Vuelta Ciclista Andalucia Ruta del Sol game


We host many games in a variety of categories. This season we have hand picked a total of 98 games to play in our Season Ranking; our most important ranking. If you want to play a game that is not part of this selection it can be unlocked after enough votes from our players. The game will then be added to our Specials Ranking. When a game is scheduled to be played or once it has been unlocked it has to meet several criteria before the game will go live.


 Added to calendar
We only play games that have been added to our calendar. At the start of the season we have hand picked 98 games and later on in the season games can be added to the calendar when they secure enough votes from our players.

 Roadbook available
In order for us to properly host a game we are in need of the roadbook of the race, which gives us details about the stages, sprints and climbs. We need this information to prepare the basics and the rules of each game. Do you have the roadbook and it is not on our website yet? Please send it to

 Provisional startlist
Throughout the season we keep adding riders to the startlist based on rumours and announcements. We feel a provisional startlist with approximately 50% of the total expected riders is needed in order to start a game successfully. Do you have the startlist and it is not on our website yet? Please send it to

A game will be opened at most three weeks before the start of the race due to the accuracy of the rider values, with exception of the Grand Tours. Also we want our players to have enough time to create their cycling team. Therefore we do not open a game if the criteria above have not been met 48 hours prior the start of the race.

Rankings (# of games)

 Season (98)  Women (25)
 Grand-Tour (3)  Specials (16)
 World-Tour (14)  Worlds (0)
 Continental (28)  Under-23 (3)
 One-day (31)  Combined (114)


You can use our voting system to play games that are not on our combined calendar yet. Simply log in with your user account and give your vote. If there are enough votes the game will be added to the specials calendar.

Vuelta Ciclista Andalucia Ruta del Sol game

Needs a total of 75 votes to be unlocked.


© Wijnreder Media