Tour de France game


 Nationality  Dutch
 Gender  Male
 Created team  28 aug '20 at 08:45 CET
 Last change  28 aug '20 at 08:52 CET
 Stars used  50

Points summary

 Combined points of 15 riders 3071
 Points collected by picked team 166
 Points from bonus questions 100
 Withdrawals and doping -6
 Total points of cycling team 3331


 General   1274  (+1257)
 Points   4034
 Mountain   241
 Youth   71

Cycling team

  Overview   Statistics  

Pick 15 riders of which you think they will earn the most points for your cycling team during this race. Each rider has received a certain value based on his results in the last 365 days. The 15 riders you pick are not allowed to have a combined value of more than 50 points. For an overview of how the picked riders of your cycling team can earn points please go to the stage results and final classifications sections.

 My riders UCI code Team  Strength Stars Points
1  Bernal, Egan COL 19970113 IGD
 All-rounder (Climber) 192
3  Carapaz, Richard ECU 19930529 IGD
 All-rounder (Climber) 298
7  Sivakov, Pavel FRA 19970711 IGD
 All-rounder (Puncheur) 19
11  Roglič, Primož SLO 19891029 TJV
 All-rounder (Puncheur) 524
14  Dumoulin, Tom NED 19901111 TJV
 All-rounder (Time-trialist) 125
16  Kuss, Sepp USA 19940913 TJV
 Climber 84
18  Aert, Wout van BEL 19940915 TJV
 One-day specialist 232
24  Kämna, Lennard GER 19960909 BOH
 Climber 167
51  Pinot, Thibaut FRA 19900529 GFC
 All-rounder (Climber) 30
67  Poels, Wout NED 19871001 TBM
 All-rounder (Puncheur) 4
94  Mas, Enric ESP 19950107 MOV
 All-rounder (Climber) 228
101  Porte, Richie AUS 19850130 TFS
 All-rounder (Climber) 233
131  Pogačar, Tadej SLO 19980921 UAD
 Puncheur 718
151  Ewan, Caleb AUS 19940711 LTS
 Sprinter 197
172  Greipel, André GER 19820716 ISN
 Sprinter 20

If a rider withdrawals from the race then your cycling team will receive penalty points. These points will be deducted from your total score. The amount of penalty points will increase with the amount of riders from your cycling team that will not be able to finish on the last race day.

 Withdrawn from the race UCI code Team  Strength Stars Points
1  Bernal, Egan COL 19970113 IGD
 All-rounder (Climber) -2
172  Greipel, André GER 19820716 ISN
 Sprinter -4

Each day a team can earn points if they finish among one of the top teams in the team classification of the stage result or in the general team classification after a stage. Pick 1 team from which you think they will earn the most points for your cycling team during this game.

 My team for day and general classifications  Combined rider value of (provisional) startlist Points
 Team Jumbo - Visma (TJV)   166
Extra questions

Besides picking 15 riders and 1 team you also have to answer 6 extra questions. With these questions you can earn bonus points at the end of the game. You will be asked to pick the winners of all the classifications and to predict the final time of the winner of the race.

 Classifications  Winners  Strength Stars Points
 General classification  Roglič, Primož
 All-rounder (Puncheur) -
 Points classification  Aert, Wout van
 One-day specialist -
 Mountain classification  Pogačar, Tadej
 Puncheur 50
 Youth classification  Bernal, Egan
 All-rounder (Climber) -
 Team classification  Team Jumbo - Visma (TJV) -
 Final time of the winner  87 hours and 24 minutes  (39.785 km/h) 50

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